Monday, July 31, 2006

The girls on Lake Toho
Originally uploaded by erickpineda527.
I hope the girls had fun. It was hard trying to make sure no one was getting bored, tired, overheated, hungry etc. When we did have an actual plan everything went over well.

I know they really wanted to go riding around and I didn't want to disappoint. After our early morning fishing debacle I took a nap to power up and took them out to Lake Toho which was only 15 minutes away for a little joyriding. Rachel took the wheel on the way back and did pretty well once she got used to the throttle.

Marissa ran up the courage to drive the boat a little, but chickened out once we hit some shallows and almost got stuck. No worries after trimming up we were on our way again. Melanie - next time na lang since she was nervous and was JUST learning how to drive a car.

"You know driving a car?"
"This is harder."
"Oh. Just show me where the brakes are on this."

Saturday Rachel took the family to Cirque du Soleil La Nouba at Downtown Disney. Afterwards, we all went to Celebration for dessert and pass out birthday presents to Melanie who turned 16 recently and my mom who was about to have one (Plus, some shirts I never gave them previously for all three cousins - only took a year!).

Sunday they were outtie. We saw them off at their condo in Kissimmee. Hope you enjoyed yourselves!

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