Thursday, July 06, 2006

1960's Birthday Shindig!

the Happening Shindig
Originally uploaded by erickpineda527.
Since we are expecting our first child November 17th
El and I decided to have one last hurrah for my
birthday (35! Geez!). A quick plan and we organized a
small gathering of friends and significant others the
next day. We themed it out in 1960's mod complete with
lava and fiber optic lamps, Tiki torches, badmitton,
Burt Baccarat and Frank Sinatra on the stereo, and a
shag rug. The potluck spread was awesome. Great job
Tommy and Lyndsey on the Mondrian Jell-O Shooters.
Sorry it melted before you got to the house. Jen's
Pigs-In-A-Blanket were a hit.


XOsunnydaysXO said...

sorry i missed your party. looks like i missed out. waaaahhhh...

Lek said...

wah wah waaaahhhh....