Sunday, June 10, 2007

She Walks! She Talks! She Comes With A Kung-Fu Grip!

I'm Still Standing
Originally uploaded by erickpineda527
She's rounding 7 months old now and she's still full of surprises. At about the 6 month mark she started crawling, but then she also stood for the first time 3 days later! I don't know if that's unusual for a baby, but that surprised the hell out of me. Now whenever we greet her in the morning it's a cute scene of her hair all messed up as she hangs onto the crib rail peeking over with a big grin. She's so cute.

She's also well into her solid foods now, Gerber Stage 1 is in the mix. Organic Bananas is definitely her favorite. Apples make her face sour. Isa LOVES to eat. She's definitely a Pineda. Or is that Ruiz? She's also learning to drink from a sippy cup now. With semi-solids at least three times a day (with formula feedings also) I've noticed she has the worst poops ever. Sometimes even solid. Changing her diaper pail is a gag-inducing ordeal. Nothing worse than 4 day old smeared poop left to ferment in a pail. Ugh!

Bailey is still afraid of her and it makes me worry sometimes. He occasionally will come up to her feet or face to sniff her, but always runs away if she reaches for him. Poor guy. I know he was used to being treated like the baby and I feel for him. He seems lonelier now. We really try to spend time and interact with him, but he's too needy and when we have to take care of the little girl it's next to impossible. I'm glad Rachel takes him sometimes over the weekend. He really loves her so I'm glad that he gets a change of scenery once in awhile. I get worried, though, that he might nip at Isa if she tries to grab him out of curiosity. She does seem interested in him. Whenever he's around all her attention goes to the little hairy thing at her feet.

Other than that Isa is progressing along nicely. She does seem tiny compared to other babies her size, but then again she IS filipino. Her mom is petite and I'm no giant myself. Her hair is so long now. It looks fantastic when she just gets a bath and we brush it. It gets all curly like her Lolo Ric. Her eyes are all big and clear. She has an easy smile and loves to look into mirrors. She wants to laugh when you "toss her in the air" (she doesn't know how to laugh laugh yet). Brightly colored things catch her attention the most and she'll grab them.

She's great. I think I'll keep her a little longer.

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