Wednesday, September 28, 2005

An evening at Plaza Mayor
Originally uploaded by erickpineda527.
The Spaniards apparently don't eat dinner til very late at night (usually starting at 10pm) hopping from one cerveceria or tapas bar with friends. This goes on all night until early morning (3or 4am), even on worknights. Every morning I was awoken around 4ish by some group of locals too wasted to realize the tourists are sleeping.


Anonymous said...

I hear ya bud, It was hard to sleep while the locals were busy dancing to freakin' "YMCA" at 4:00 in the morning

Anonymous said...

Haha! I heard about your nightclub/restaurant below your hotel room experience. Awful. I guess they don't expect people to actually be tired and resting at night intheor hotels rooms. I guess it's just Europe that's like that. I talked to a couple of girls from Holland this weekend that said that they would be up til 5am or so clubbing - the standard there I guess. Oof.
