Sunday, October 12, 2008

My Little Girl Is Trying.

Originally uploaded by erickpineda527
The other night El spoke to me about her being more patient with Isa. I wouldn't say we've been hard on her, but our patience has been tested quite a few times these last few weeks. I know a lot of it has to do with fatigue and I know our situation is not unique, but we're going to try harder.

She's gotten so much better about being careful round her little brother but she is, after all, a toddler. She runs, climbs, plays and does what kids her age does. She's just not used to being second fiddle.

She kisses and hugs him with an "awww...don't cry-y-y Nico." Last night in the car she even tried to console him in the backseat of the car while going home by holding his hand. She's going to be a good big sister I think.

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