Monday, August 29, 2005


Originally uploaded by erickpineda527.
This past Saturday El, Dan and I decided to head over to Tampa to check out a new exhibition featuring Chinese cadavers on display as science/art at the MOSI Museum. Incredible, yet disturbing.

I gotta tell you - that was freaky. It was kind of like a horror movie. You don't wanna look, but a the same time you can't look away. This was probably one of the more amazing things I have seen. The exhibition featured unclaimed or unidentified bodies from china who are soaked in a silicone type of liquid that preserves them. They are then modeled in athletic poses or "cross sectioned" for closer investigation. Every part of the body is explored - the musculature, skeleton and even the circulatory (how they extracted all those eveins and arteries and then reformed the shape of the body without the bones or muscles and float them in liquid is beyond me). There was even a section for fetuses - which kinda bugged me out. Remember...everything here is REAL.

It took about 1 1/2 hours to see everything and unfortunately, photographs weren't allowed. What I did take on my camera phone looked pretty crappy. I would highly recommend everyone check out this exhibit. It's on display in Tampa until February 2006.

Afterwards, we went back to Orlando for some lunch at the Celebration Diner. I ate meatloaf. Yummy. Happy Birthday Dan!


XOsunnydaysXO said...

ahhh, yeah! i saw this on cnn the other week. kevin and i were talking about, and i really wanna see that! it looks so interesting. i gotta make it a point to get down there to see it before they take it down.

Anonymous said...

welp not to fear - you hav until February 2006 to see it in Tampa!

Lek said...

Yeah I'll tell what kind of bugged me out was seeing the eyebrows and nose hairs still on the faces. I mean knowing that these are real people that you can touch (although unknowns) was kind of weirding me out. Still I was glad to see the exhibit, especially Eleanor who stayed the longest of the three.

Anonymous said...

There you go again! why do they have to be Chinese cadavers? Why is it always about race or nationality with you? Honestly, Erick. I don't know who you are anymore.

BTW, when are you making eggroll again? Mmmmm... eggrolls!

Lek said...

EGGROLLS!?! When get back I'll make a bunch of CHINK food for ya.

E to tha Pizzy