Monday, May 04, 2009

I don't think I could live here (too small), but it's certainly worth the visit. We had dinner at Columbia's. Mine was great...Palomilla, a grilled sirloin with lime and basil, fresh onions, yellow rice and plantains. El got her typical seafood pasta, but said it wasn't that fresh. Ick.

After dinner was spent walking in the night air with the kids and window shopping. It was pretty crowded with foot traffic and alot of Flagler College student. Y'know the ones? All black clothes that don't fit well, bad hair, trying to look artsy but looking like they tried-too-hard types? Yeah plenty of those. I mean else are you gonna do when you go to school on a tourist island? Hang out at the outdoor mall of course! There were alot of out-of-town couples dressed for dinner and families taking ghost tours. It was interesting to hear some of the stories, but didn't quite have the eerie effect when you're trying to scare your listeners, but Buffet is playing in the background and people are streaming in and out of restaurants and bars. After letting Isa smear her face with coconut ice cream she called it quits and we packed up to go home.


Angela Wheaten said...

Hey - I went to Flagler College so be nice! :)

Lek said...

Cmon Angela! I KNOW you never fell in that crowd. Or did you rock body piercings, tats and magenta hair to complement your jet black hair and slim cut black jeans back then?!? Something tells me you had (have) better taste than that :D