Sunday, January 07, 2007

New Crew

Christmas Exchange
Originally uploaded by erickpineda527.
I never got around to posting any pictures of my new crew at The Golf Channel so here it is. Since I am no longer a part of Print and New Media I don't participate in the annual department holiday party. Nevertheless, the new crew had plans of their own.

After the All-Hands Meeting we had lunch at a China Jade, a nearby Mongolian BBQ, and then headed back to the pit to exchange our Secret Santa Gifts. Unfortunately not everyone was able to make it. Andy was on leave after he got hitched, Jeremy who was busy moving to a new apartment and Joe, the adopted member of the Boy's Club, was on vacay.

Pictured here is Chris Nasso (senior design chimp), Jen (coordinator), Horney (Assistant AD), BRad (3D God), Al (Managing Fartbag), Yours Truly, Sheri and Joe B (Chyron kids) and Hughes (Pivot man in the Circle Jerk).

Next time I'll manage a shot of the entire crew. Do I miss my old crew? Of course. They were the original Lunch Bunch so it's hard to replace them and I rarely get to see them anymore. Once in a blue moon I manage a lunch with Jen V in tha Hizzy and Dan Brats.

Things have been doing well in my new department. I've learned alot and they've even trusted me to manage the nightly live show graphics and animations. Suckers. Soon enough I'll get to dip my hands into the meatier stuff, but for now I'm content learning to walk before I run.

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