Sunday, January 07, 2007

Escobars Visit

Escobars Visit
Originally uploaded by erickpineda527.
Florante and his wife, Jenivy, came for a visit from San Diego with their kids. I haven't seen him since his sister's wedding 4 or 5 years ago. I never even got to meet his kids when we visited Steve in San Diego a few years ago. We got to meet them for dinner their first night in and met Kyle, Kobe and their little girl, Kloe. Cute kids. Before they went back to San Diego we did manage to see them again when they came by to see Isa and hung out for awhile. It was cool to catch up with him. Same guy pretty much. Since high school we had always managed to make the random phone call to each other, but it was still amazing to me how much had changed with getting married, kids, work and such. Nice seeing you again!

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