Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Aaaahhh Epidurals...
Originally uploaded by erickpineda527.
An hour and a half later he arrived to give her an Epidural Anesthesia. 20 minutes later she was golden. She couldn't even feel them anymore and was soon chatting on the phone spreading the good news to her family. I, on the other hand, was completely wiped out from working outside all morning through the night until the guys thought it a good idea to have a few drinks downtown. It was around 5:30am and only the rush of excitement kept me sober and awake. That and they knowledge that El was in excruciating pain. By the time she got her epidural and in good spirits I commenced to pass the hell out until about 8:30 am as the new nursing shift changed and burst through our doors to run more tests. Screw it - I may as well get up and gear up for the big day.

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