Thursday, October 21, 2004

Palace Hotel Hot Springs

Palace Hotel Hot Springs
Originally uploaded by erickpineda527.
Since we had booked an overnight stay here at the Palace Hotel we had to part ways with our new traveling companions. Our travel agent arranged for a taxi to take us to the hotel. Palace Hotel is a resort known for its hot springs. Unfortunately, we were forced to stay inside because the typhoon had closed down all shrines, museums and shops. With nothing left to do we decided to go low impact and chill out. Personally I was glad to since we had been moving at a pretty hectic pace since we arrived. We ate dinner at the Humming Cafe Restaurant and crashed out. El took advantage of the wee hours and everyone asleep to try out the hot springs. Why wait so long? The onsen, or hot spring baths, require that you share a common changing room, clean yourself thoroughly and soak in your birthday suit with everyone else. Of course, men and women have their own baths. El came back around 6:30am trying to get me to try it out. Unfortunately, I didn't feel like "comparing notes" with the locals and chickened out.

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