Sunday, March 04, 2007

Almost Four Months...

Good Morning!
Originally uploaded by erickpineda527.
Time has flown by and she's growing bigger and getting cuter. There are little things we start to notice that in other people's eyes may seem minute or inconsequential, but to us aren't.

She's discovered she has feet and loves to play with them. She makes a new mouth sucking noise when she plays. She blushes at herself in the mirror when I hold her up to it. She's starting to reach out and hold her baby bottle now, eventho most times the nipple ends up on her cheek and milk dribbles down her chin. She HATES getting her hair washed, but enjoys splashing in the tub. Dry diapers make her feel good (and us, too.). She LOVES her mobile abover her crib (compliments of El's cowerks), sleeps great with her white noise sheep toy from her Auntie Abigail, and loves to grab at the toys on the playmat she inherited from her cow-sin, Gabriel and Auntie Len. She greets us every morning with a huge smile and kicks her legs in excitement. She sleeps with her hands behind her head (odd, no?) and is apparently right-handed.

She's had such a positive impact on our lives. She's taught us patience and understanding. Things that used to upset me, doesn't anymore (at least not as much anymore). She's showed us what time management is really about. And that everything works itself out. Self sacrifice was a good lesson, too. What a neat little person.


Anonymous said...

Hey Erick - so nice to see new pictures of your family. Isa is such a cutie bug! - Angela Wheaten

XOsunnydaysXO said...

aww, she's getting cuter! can't wait to see you guys again!

Lek said...

Thanks Angela! And congrats again on the new position - you'll do great!