Thursday, November 17, 2005

X:144 and SPS
Originally uploaded by erickpineda527.
Who stole the show for me? The locals, X:144 and SPS. X:144 rhymes definitely shined and loved his flow better than anyone else's all night. SPS made me appreciate a great DJ again. What a difference it makes.

Was it the 5 Guinesses that made me impatient to get the hell outta there in the middle of The Perceptionist's show? Was it they came on WAY too late (12:30) on a school night? Was it having to endure 3 other groups who had to set up and play their set first? Was it all the ugly chicks in the joint vs. the sausage fest of guys? Was it all the smoke? I don't know for sure, but it was agreed between Ed and I to break the hell out before the headliners finished their set.

Check out X:144 and SPS site and take a listen. These guys rocked the mic like it was nobody's business. I love underground hip hop like Ugly Duckling, The Roots, People Under The Stairs and Little Brother. Just not Tuesday night.

I was never a real big Mr. Lif fan - so much politics and other BS that I can do without. Overall it wasn't bad - I was jsut ready to get the hell out. So I lost 3 hours of my life and $12 at the door. Not too bad since I got to experience SPS and X:144.

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