Monday, November 29, 2004

Oh Christmas Tree...

Christmas Bulbs
Originally uploaded by erickpineda527.
We flew in back to Orlando Saturday night and headed home. Sunday afternoon was spent unwinding and doing small odds and ends chores.

After a relaxing Thanksgiving Day, El and I typically begin the hunt for the perfect Christmas Tree. We began our search relatively late so the traditional spots like Home Depot and Lowe's, where we almost always find our tree at a great price, closed before we even got there.

The private Christmas Tree Lots usually have a nice looking selection, but are ALWAYS wa-a-ay overpriced ($75-80 for a six footer?!?). We didn't even bother looking.

I should've bought stock at Tar-jay since we spend so much time and money there. They have everything you could possibly need, INCLUDING our tree! We spotted an eight-footer not even 10 minutes into the hunt. Perfectly symmetrical, full and green - the Frasier Fir was picked up and trimmed by the nice guy manning the post. At only $45 it was steal. Thrown on top of the Explorer we had dinner with my sister, Rachel, and made our way home.

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