Thursday, July 06, 2006

Originally uploaded by erickpineda527.
We got to eat at Vickery's (mmmm) and had their
Lowcountry Seafood Sautee - fluffy grits with lump
crab, crawfish, shrimp and topped with fried oysters.
Holy shit I've been missing their food. No offense to
our parent's cookiing, but I miss Charleston's array of
fantastic restaurants. We love spending time with you
guys, but we sometimes would rather eat out and
indulge ourselves in the establishments we don't get
to frequent anymore.

Here's El with my nephew Gabriel testing out her mommy skills while I chomp down on his Fred Flintstone foot.


XOsunnydaysXO said...

"i'm gonna bite your footie..."

Lek said...

HAHAHA! He takes after his Uncle Bailey...