Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Peniscola Beach
Originally uploaded by erickpineda527.
As soon as we got down to beach level we were pretty hungry and decided to locate a decent looking cafe for a quick bite. One thing that immediately evident to me was the beach was TOPLESS. Awesome - kinda. You usually have two varietals sprouting on a topless beach - hot European women or really out of shape old people in speedos. I think at this time it probably more of the older crowd with a small group or two of younger people. Eew.

With any group of people looking for some place to eat, there's always some disagreement about where to go. We had 45 minutes and I was all for ANY spot quick. Jen and El were of the mindset to find the "Perfect" spot which ended up eating more time. Once we found a really nice one we tried to order as quick as we could. Unfortunately, Spanish time is a little slower so it took quite awhile to get all of our food. We basically had 10 minutes to get our food, eat, pay and run back to the bus. Luckily Raul, Sr. and Silvia were eating with Lupe and Miguel next to us so we asked Raul to translate to the manager and waiter that we were running late. We ate as quick as we could, paid and ran off to catch Raul and crew already at the bus. 15 minutes late on any guided tour is VERY late. We got the stink eye from some of our traveling companions along with a tongue lashing from Marte. C'mon it was our first time to be late and we weren't even the absolute last ones on the bus!

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