Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Originally uploaded by erickpineda527
Against all better judgement I couldn't resist picking him up and holding him in my office chair as he snoozed on my shoulder. I know the next morning before I head out the door to work he'll greet me with a smile and a "da!" For now I'm pretty content just holding him. It's dark in the room. The ceiling fan quietly spins blowing a lazy breeze. His hand is draped on my neck and he stirs for a moment to look at me and then settles his head back onto my shoulder as I rub his back. I can feel his warm belly against my chest as he snores quietly in my ear. This is probably one of the more satisfying moments I can remember recently.

Whodathunk that I'd be a complete sucker for a couple of little kids who constantly needed their butts wiped, toys cleaned up after, and monitored like a hawk at all moments? I was the last person 10 years ago. The things they say, the things they do, watching them grow impress me daily. At night watching them sleep, though, makes me feel complete.


Ellen said...

awwwwww sweet:)

auntie em said...

awww...what a good daddy!!!