Sunday, February 04, 2007

Would You Like Some Cheese With That Whine?

Call it a blessing I guess. Isa has taken interest in her right thumb to self soothe (and under careful observation she favors her RIGHT hand). It couldn't have come at a better time. El had to start back at work again this past Friday and Saturday and I was to become Mr. Mom. I had been anticipating this moment with much anxiety.

Understand that I do what I can when I'm with her. I change her diapers, feed her formula when I have to and carry her while El needed to get something to eat, but never for a whole day by myself. I guess it was good "training wheels" on my part to slowly do all the things El does short of whipping out a boob to feed her.

Like an idiot after work Thursday I stayed up waaaay too late and went to bed around 4am. I didn't want to wake up El who had to leave for work by 6am so I crashed on the couch. 6am came in the blink of an eye and Isa was crying for some attention. With two hours of sleep I groggily did my bit and changed, fed and cradled her. I could barely keep my eyes open. In an hour the sun was up and a full day had begun for me. Bailey had to be tended to, the house chores, and Isa. I could barely keep up.

It's amazing how out-of-wack your body gets with no rest and I found myself losing my cool with her. Every chance I got to put her down, so I could snooze, she immediately woke up 15 minutes later screaming bloody hell. I literally had to sit up catnapping while holding her. As a little bonus I rocked a small headache all day and barely managed to get myself something to eat. In addition, she refused all her food (she hadn't eaten in 7 hours) and I was getting worried. She obviously knew her routine had been broken by a newbie intruder and she was not playing fair.


XOsunnydaysXO said...

ahhhh...the joys of parenthood. now you know how i feel! LOL!!

Lek said...

It was a newbie error on my part. Her Auntie Rachel...well that's a whole other can of worms there. I put on her training wheels last night to see how she would do (she volunteered) while I went to the grocery and she didn't last an hour. So much for instillling confidence in me. By the time I got home Isa was screaming and Rachel was just watching her cry. All I did was pick her up and she stopped...

XOsunnydaysXO said...
