Friday, December 08, 2006

One Month and Counting...

One Month and Counting...
Originally uploaded by erickpineda527.
This Saturday marks Isa's 1st month. I look at her every morning and every evening and I see changes in her all the time. We took her to her second pediatric visit a week ago and Dr. Deeb said she had gained a whole pound and grew another inch. Wow! A big difference when you consider it's only been two weeks since she was last seen.

Her head has a nice shape to it - no more "E.T. - the Extraterrestrial" look to it anymore. Her hair is soft and long. Kind of a wispy look to it. I brush it every chance I get. Apparently this is more hair than what most babies are born with. She must get this from her mom.

When she's awake she is VERY alert with intense, big eyes. I love her eyes. Her legs and feet have plumped up some so they don't have that "chicken legs" look to it quite as much as they did. I like when I see her mom letting her nap on her chest belly down and her feet and legs are curled up into a ball as if she's still in the belly.

Despite her late night crying for food and a new diaper I find myself missing her while I'm at work. I know she's still too young to acknowledge that she recognizes me, but everytime I look into her face I search for a reaction to me speaking or kissing her plump cheeks. What a cutie.

Still has that new car, baby smell. Love that. Is it the Desitin? is it the milk on her breath? is it the baby shampoo? I don't know, but I likes. Whenever I hold her and put her down to sleep I can still smell her in my hands. It's indescribable, but I think most people know what the hell I'm talking about.

It's been a month! Sometimes it's so surreal and feels weird to think I have a little girl now. What?!? Yeah. I can't wait for her Lolo and Lola to meet her at Christmas. El's entire family will be here and my parents as well. Everyone is stoked to see the new addition. Cher and Ricky are wanting to come, too, but are waiting until the Christmas madness dies down.

Enough of the ramblings. Mom should be done giving her her midnight "merienda". Time to go burp her. Later.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE that picture of her! So neat to meet her in person the other day. :o)

Lek said...

Thanks Jenny and CONGRATULATIONS to you and Joe on your good news as well! Seems like the year for babies! Yahooey!