Monday, March 28, 2005

Valentine's Day Round Two

Originally uploaded by erickpineda527.
As part of El's Valentine's gift I bought two tickets to see Maroon5 at the Silver Spurs Arena this past Saturday. The day started out pretty nice. The rain had subsided long enought to make the weather cool and clear.

We got to the arena in Kissimmeee in time to catch the opening act, The Donnas. Eventhough they had gained some popularity in the recent past, I wasn't really into them. Pretty generic rock music. They weren't bad, but they weren't great either. Their stage presence, despite their attempts to get the crowd going, was pretty mediocre.

During intermission Silver Spurs plays music videos of up and coming artists. Two of the videos stood out. The Bees had a hilarious video with their song Chicken Payback, with the game phenom Dance Revolution and the Japanese's infatuation with the game as part of the imagery. Another artist with an interesting sound was Sondre Lerche.

Eventually Maroon5 got onstage much to the joy of the mostly female audience. A nice light show and performance by the group didn't fail to entertain.

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