Monday, September 01, 2008

Isa and Nico
Originally uploaded by erickpineda527
Today has gotten better. Her mom sent me a picture of her peering over the bassinet at her brother and I haven't heard any news of bad behavior while I've been at work this Labor Day. Meanwhile, Nicholas has proven himself quite the eater/pooper whereas Isa had been slow to have her first bowel movement as an infant and a picky eater now. Although Nico was smaller than his big sister at birth I think he'll easily surpass her as they age. He even shows enough strength to hold his head up and move it around - something that takes a month or so with newborns from what I understand.

His mom has been trying to get what sleep she can in between feedings. I've been doing what I can to keep the household running and keep her from trying to do anything other than caring for Nicholas. Saturday morning Rick had to leave back to Atlanta, but Rachel was able to fill his spot to watch Isa while I was away at work today. Why work so soon after having a baby? Money. Today I get double time and a half. It's too bad I misread my schedule previously and thought I had to work the first shift. I ended up working a double and my brain is tapioca right now so forgive me for any mispellings or grammatical errors as I type this. It's been busy at Golf Channel with live shows and with the lack of sleep I've been getting since Wednesday night it's actually getting to me. That's it for now. Quite the read - I know. Sorry.


Gina Caraviello said...

Congratulations to you and your BEAUTIFUL family!

I'm so happy for you...

Anonymous said...

i love this looks like it's from the 70's.
i can't wait to get there!!!

Anonymous said...

i need this one, too! ;)