Sunday, May 06, 2007

When It Rains, It Pours.

Other Baby
Originally uploaded by erickpineda527.
Unbelievable. On my way home from work one Sunday night a van in front of me swerved and hits his brakes. Apparently semi-trucks are still using retreads for tires. He ran over it and threw it up into the air. It happened so quick I wasn't fast enough to swerve out of the way or stop completely.

My poor Infiniti, not even a month old yet, took a full hit. Now I have to deal with the cost of paying a deductible to get it repaired at Daya's. I fully trust Daya's competence in making it look perfect like it rolled off the showroom floor. It's just that all these expenses have come to me all at once.

Prior to the purchase of the G35, my poor Acura MDX had to have a new transmission put in. Although the Acura was kind enough to eat the cost of all the parts (it was no longer under warranty) I still had to cough up a grand in labor.

Also, El had been really wanting to update our yard. Since Isa had been born we haven't been able to do our annual weeding, mulching and planting for the season. The obligatory mowing and edging is all we can manage in the short time we are alloted when we're both home. That was a nice hit in the wallet, but Wise Landscaping did a great job. Thanks to Covey and Oscar. Pictures to come soon.

Also, the damn air conditioning has been giving us problems the last three or four years during peak summer (freezing up, water leaks, etc) despite it constantly being worked on by three different companies and 2 different home warranties. I'm waiting for that hit again.

After the fishing debacle last year I decided to have Heinmiller Marine Services complete projects on my boat that I haven't had time to complete, including the gears that were jacked when my dad jammed it into reverse hard (twice) trying to run me over in the water. It was an accident and in a fit of panic when he and my Uncle Ernie were trying to drive the boat. Well $3000 later it's about done and I need to pick it up and pay the balance on it.

Will it end soon? Who knows, but retreads should definitely be outlawed. Thanks to all truck drivers who constantly blow their tires and don't call the Highway Patrol to warn them of debris on the road. How much more damage and accidents have to happen before they see the danger in retreading tires just to save a few bucks? I mean out of sight, out of mind, right? Thanks Mr. Inconsiderate Truck Driver. You owe me $250 and rental car fees. Asshole.

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