Saturday, October 07, 2006

I've Made A Huge Leap...

Originally uploaded by erickpineda527.
For about 14 years I've been a print designer. In the past I've also had my hand in interactive cd design and more recently web design for my personal clients. There's been a lot of hard decisions to be made very recently and I've made the leap. Just by mere chance there was an opening for a designer/animator at The Golf Channel. Originally looking out-of-state, as well as in-state positions, to see where my options would lay Al Lagor, Managing Director for On-Air Graphics, mentioned a seat open in his department. I don't have much in experience other than a couple months training years ago and he was generous (and trusting enough) to offer me the job pretty much on the spot. It solved a lot of issues for me, including losing all my benefits I've worked so hard for the past 6+ years at The Golf Channel.

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