Friday, May 12, 2006

AAArrrgh! My Friggin' Eyes!

Allergy Season Sucks
Originally uploaded by erickpineda527.
My allergies have steadily gotten worse each year for the past three years or so here in Florida. I haven't had this many nosebleeds in the morning since I was a little boy living in Goose Creek, SC. Runny, congested nose. Periodic headaches. Trouble breathing. Coughing every now and then. Sometimes the allergy medicine works, sometimes it doesn't.

Either in the office or at home it deosn't matter. People must think I'm coked up the way I look sometimes at work. Hopefully the cleaning crew will clean out the air vents above my desk. It's odd that I react only when I'm in the office. But as soon as I go outside briefly it clears up. Maybe I'm sick. Maybe it's a case of Spring Fever. Hell it even got so bad at home one night I couldn't sleep even while I was literally nodding off reading iin bed.

To compound the problems more it's been very dry this summer/spring. AND I have to cut the damn grass AGAIN. With no rain the pollen and dust has been having a field day with me. Thankfully we've been blessed with some rain these past few days and I have FINALLY gotten a decent night's sleep.


Anonymous said...

Heck yeah allergies are sucking right now. Ugh. My eyes are a mess right now. :o(

Lek said...

and then there's PINK EYE!!! Yeeeesh!